
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Though I've Been Absent, I've Not Been Bored!

Below is the blog article I was working on last fall and planning to post on Sept. 3, 2014. You know what they say—the best made plans. Before I got the article posted, pneumonia came knocking on my door. Not just once, killing the rest of September, but it came back for another short visit in October. Needless to say, the rest of October and November was spent catching up on all the duties needing done and mentioned in the following article. So, now you know why this post is a bit late. I promise I’ll try to do better in the near future.


Those of you familiar with my yearly schedule know I don't take on editing projects for clients during the summer months, and I seldom blog. During these gone-too-fast months, my husband and I participate in art/craft shows often. He loves to build benches and cabinets, and I love to give them the look of aged heirlooms, or just paint them in a fun and lively finish. If we counted correctly, we created 102 new items this season, and I, at least, have the exhaustion to prove it.

I also love to paint a few oil landscapes or pet portraits each year, sometimes on canvas, sometimes saw blades, sometimes on the back of a wooden bench. Regardless, I find myself painting from morning to night during parts of the summer, and with as much dedication as I give my writing and editing. I love the way colors swished around this way and that can bring a world into view.

I generally still manage to keep up a minimum of one paragraph of writing per day or even one page per day; and when I don’t, I make up for it when my husband takes our visiting grandkids to the park.

Some of our grandkids spend a few weeks with us every summer, so we take them to swimming lessons. This is something we always look forward to. We pack a lot of other fun into these short weeks, too—town festivals, carnival rides, and birthday parties.

Other good news that came about this summer was an addition to our family—our youngest granddaughter, Joella.

We got through some sadness, the death of a friend’s husband and the near death of a former relative; but many appreciated prayers of hope and love were shared with their families to make these times a little more bearable.

Now September is here once again. I have five editing jobs in the queue, three book reviews to write, a bimonthly commissioned writing job, two picture books to finish, a few (ahem, strong few) novels to finish, short stories to polish, oodles of books to read, two antique sewing machines and one industrial machine to recondition, grandkids to see and life to live. I’m excited. Still, the best part of each day is snuggling alongside handsome hubby, the lights low and TV on, snacks close by, and a shared sigh and feeling of satisfaction that we made it through another day.

How was your summer?


  1. Congratulations on your granddaughter! Nice to see you back. Love the painting, too.

    1. Thanks! It's been a long few months, but some of it was fun. Still glad to be back. :-)

  2. Welcome back to the blogging world! Just in time for all the holiday hoopla.... :)

    1. yeah. I wanted to add blinking lights to my blog, but of course I don't know how. So here's my best-- BLINK-BLINK. :-)

  3. Beautiful family, Deb. And what a cutie pie the newest addition is! I think painting is one of the most wonderful talents ever (I draw stick figures and wish I could at least make a decent flower). Photography is something else, that's easier.
    Amazing how fast time goes by, the summer months gone in a flash. Happy to hear you enjoyed your time with family and hobbies, plus keeping up the writing of a paragraph per day (at least). Better than I had managed. :)
    Our summer was great, but also gone too fast. Managed a trip to Yosemite and visits with family, then boom, back to school and work. Oh, well, that's life.

    1. I know – I couldn't believe how fast the time went by. But now I have dedicated myself into revising that novel about zorphan island, as soon as I get caught up editing for everyone I said yes to. :-) Actually, I am working pretty steady on revising during any free second I have, been getting up at five just to get extra time in. But I'm getting further along, so it's worth it.

  4. I'm glad you are feeling better! Pneumonia is scary. Congrats on the new grandbambina too! Take it slow this holiday season; it's easy to get run down and you are already recovering!!!

    1. Yeah, that's what the doc said. I'll do my best. Luckily, much of my work takes place in front of a computer, so it's only my brain and eyes that get tired. :-)

  5. Oh, goodness! You've got a lot going on. Great to hear that you prioritize your commitments, something that is very important to me (and my sanity). As you mentioned, the summer came and went! :( But this is my favorite time of the year, and I couldn't be more excited. Crazy to think that it's December and that in a few short weeks, we'll be kicking off the new year.

    Great to have you back on the Blogosphere! :)

    1. Thanks, Anna! I'm looking forward to checking off my old list and making a new itinerary of goals for 2015. Should be a good year.

  6. The painting is lovely. Hope your health is all improved!

  7. I'm so glad you're feeling better. Congratulations on your new grandchild! You're a very busy (and talented) lady!!

    1. Thanks, Ava! yes, I'm always busy. I make it that way. :-)

  8. Just saying the word "baby" melts me. What beautiful children! So glad to see you back.

    1. Thanks. Yes, babies have a way of bringing out the softness in everyone.

  9. Congratulations on the new addition, and my condolences on the loss of the friend. As for the pneumonia, my sympathy. That knocked me down a few years ago and i was quite a while getting back up. Be gentle with yourself.

    1. Thanks. I'm not exactly out for a jog quite yet, but I am getting caught up on my work.

  10. Congrats on the new grand kid. Wow that is a lot of work indeed and blah to the pneumonia, glad you are getting back up after the bouts with it.

  11. I am glad you are on the mend because this can really knock you down and out. I hope you are feeling a 100 times better!! Your painting is really very good!! It is fresh and feels of family, to me anyways. Congrats on the new baby and it will be fun with Christmas so near now. You have oodles to do so I hope you were able to get through everything. I got shingles this summer and can still feel the pain-bummer. On a better note my best friend and I went to the Jimmy Stewart museum and the Lucille Ball museum!

    1. Wow. I've always wanted to see the Lucille Ball museum. Good for you, and I hope those shingles are gone now.

  12. Did I mention how wonderful that painting really is!!

    1. Yes, thank you very much. It's not my best, but it is what it is. :-)

  13. Goodness, you've been busy. Glad you are well again, too. The painting is charming, my kind of style (that is, if I could paint :).

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I'm not sure I can actually paint, not like a real artist, but I enjoy trying. :-)

  14. Oh I hope the winter brings you good health!! Build up on that vitamin c and d3 and lower the sugar intake if possible!! Prayers!

    1. Thanks, Carol. I tried to go to your blog to post a comment (because I read your articles in my email), but it when let me in to the actual blog. It's that I need a password from WordPress. Sorry about that. But I do read your articles.

  15. Grats on the new family addition. Beautiful painting. I am envious of your talent. :) I hope you keep caught up on your editing jobs!

    1. Yes, I have kept up on my editing, and I've even managed to get some writing and revising of my own done. Thanks for the compliment on my painting. I like to diddle with art now and then.

  16. Hi Debi - you're filling your time and enjoying the family .. seeing your new granddaughter ... helping a friend through their loss, and encouraging your relative to stay around ... but glad you had some time to write and edit ... take care and enjoy this season now it's rocked around! Cheers Hilary

  17. Hi Debi! Great blog. I love the title. I've heard that the grandma years are a wonderful time to be a writer. Right now I'm an old parent in the middle of herding teenage boys out of the nest, but eventually, in a few years, I hope to get a new start on life as I become a young grandmother.

    P.S. I must consult with you on editing rates. My younger brother just offered to pay me to edit his 100K+ manuscript, and I need help composing a fair estimate.

    1. I'm glad you like my blog, and feel free to email me at there's quite a diversity and prices out there, but it all depends upon how in-depth the client wants to go, and he wears from simple proofreading to structural editing, and anything in between.

  18. I'm sorry to say that I've missed reading your blog before now. It sounds like you have a very busy but rewarding life. I'm looking forward to knowing you better in the future. Keep up your good work!

  19. Congratulations, Debi, on Joella's birth. You have so many blessings in your life. They warm the heart. . . and bring smiles. With so many bad things in the news, it was really, really nice to read your post. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, and I agree--lot of bad, bad, bad in the news. Depressing, isn't it. But new babies, that's a cure all for any depression. We'll have another new one in the family around June 7. :-)

  20. Family first! Great priorities, Debi.
