
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A New Panic for the New Year

I’ve never considered myself a wimp. I’m not afraid of hard work or telling off people who deserve it, no matter their size. But creepy things do get to me. At the top of the list would be mice. Slimy things would be right up there too, along with big bugs. But recently I discovered a new phobia. Somewhere in the last couple of weeks I read a book that exposed the fact that dust is actually bug poop. Seriously?

I could’ve enjoyed living a long time without knowing that tidbit.

I’m okay dusting the furniture, because I got myself one of those mitts that you spray with polish, so my fingers aren’t actually touching the bug poop. But now I can’t enjoy reading a book with a cup of coffee at my side without placing a saucer on top of the cup. Who’s to say how long it takes for dust to fall? The idea of even one miniscule turd dropping into my coffee between sips is just too disgusting.

I don’t remember which book I read this information in, because I read a half dozen over the last weeks. But I can tell you, if I knew for sure, I might do the horrible deed of crossing that bug-poop line out with a thick marker, making it unreadable, in case I ever want to read the book again. My sleep might depend on it.

I say that because now I can’t help but assume there’s bug poop floating in my bedroom during the night, landing on me, dirtying my face and sticking to my eyelashes. I am so glad we got a new furnace this year, one with a super thick filter. Maybe it’s keeping a little poop out of the air (and away from me and my coffee!).

I don’t have obsessive compulsive orders, except for in my husband’s opinion. He thinks that because little things bother me—having an afghan spread over the back of a sofa, and accidentally arranging one corner lower than the other (I think he does this on purpose); a picture off-kilter a quarter inch on a wall; toast not buttered all the way into the corners; bread more than a half-a-day old; socks not snug over toes—that I’m like TV’s Mr. Monk.

No way. The things that bother me would bother anyone. After all, I can’t believe there’s someone willing to sip a beverage that’s been sitting on the table a few minutes, if he or she really thinks about what might have dropped into it.

How about you? Do you place a saucer over your cup between sips?


  1. If I leave my cup on the table for a while, yes, I cover it. Makes sense to me. No turds in my coffee, no way. And I re-arrange things after I arranged and re-arranged them a few times over. Being laid-back about things, that's overrated. :)

  2. Oh sweetie.....if that bummed you out then the less said about dead skin cells and what's going on in your mattress the's quite disgusting. If you let that get to you, you will live in a plastic bubble. lol

    1. Ugh. I need to get plastic sheets that I will switch out each night. Um. Where do I get one of those plastic bubble things? :-)

  3. lmao you just might be creeping up on Monk, as long as you don't fear milk you won't catch him though. But yeah dust is nasty, bug turds and dead skin cells and such. You can never ever get it all either. A mattress weighs double 10 years after one buys it because of all the umm stuff in it, so there's that to hahaha

    1. Yeah, I'm seriously thinking about disposable plastic sheets, a different one each night. :-)

  4. I try not to think about those little things or I'll go nutty! Dusting is one of my least favorite chores too.

  5. I've read that most dust is just dead skin that falls off of us. I don't worry about covering my drink--yet. Occasionally a visiting dog will take a slurp of my milk or water. I don't mind. But I totally understand the toast not buttered all the way to the corners and the uneven afghan and other such travesties of justice.


    1. well, I can't get my brain not to wrap around of thoughts of what the dog might have been licking before its tongue touches my beverage, so I always get our dog her own drink. :-)

  6. As you grow older your skin gets drier, therefor there is more little flakes falling all the time. Think about all the skin cells on the Doctor's furniture. Hmmmm. Actually, the Bible says, 'Dust thou art and to dust thou shall return.' So under my bed there is someone either coming or going. Marge Hamill

    1. Yikes! guess I won't be looking under the bed for monsters anymore. One just might get me. :-)

  7. Hope nothing harmful shall happen. Everything will be fine. Just believe in yourself but be vigilant.

  8. One thing i remind myself is that our bodies are set up in such a way as to deal with all of the stuff we normally come in contact with -- it is what builds our immune systems, and without it, we'd be ill much more often.

  9. Oh I leave my drink around and drink the mini poop. It can only make me stronger:) I don't mind mice but spiders and those centipedes-ick! I grew up in the country but hate those things. I hate it when they show the up close images of those dust mites and those stupid critters that live on our eyelashes. I know the eyelash critters are supposed to be good for you but ick

    1. It nauseates me just to think about it. :-) Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Hi Debi - I know I'm late .. but who can resist dust poo, or mite poo, or skin microbes ... or just a human being around - they're dodgy too ... ?! Thank goodness I am on the side of the practical and just try and relax .. though I should be dusting as I have visitors at the weekend .. and this place needs a good dust up!!

    Cheers and happy all pooey, slurpy thingies for 2015 - Hilary

    1. Have fun, and I hope you have a dust mitt to protect your hand. :-)

  11. I am okay with bugs, but snakes, mice, any rodents in general do scare me. I have known about the bug poop for a while and have chosen to ignore it. My piano needs dusting...

    1. I have been spraying a lot of Lysol. Smells worse than a hospital around here. :-)

  12. I'm reading this while nursing a cup of coco - no saucer. ;p

    It's funny what gets stuck in our brain after we read. I read about mattresses accumulating dead skin and mites and about freaked. Its one of those things I wish I could forget.

    1. Yeah, me too. Now it seems I'm throwing a load of sheets in the wash all the time. :-)

  13. haha I definitely place saucer on cups between sips, it's a wooden table!! I think that perhaps when it comes to life it's okay not to worry about little things (like occasional disagreements, what to eat for dinner etc) but for maintaining stuff that it still looks decent after years of wear and tear it's a different story!!! :D

  14. I think most of dust is skin flakes and hair particles. I try not to think about it. Just dust every week to keep it under control.

    1. Yes, there is a lot of gunk in dust, but just knowing a little bit of it has bug poop... ugh! :-)

  15. I think you need to investigate that article a bit. I strongly doubt you're dealing with bug poop in your house. It's dander and hair and infinitesimal bits of star. That last ingredient is what mitigates all the negative stuff about dust. :-)

    1. Yes, I read quite a few articles. Many mention everything but bug poop. so ask a college science prof. he'll say, well, you expect them to land before they poop? :-) Lots of dander and dead skin cells, and bug poop too. It's all gross.

  16. I found a lady bug in my coffee yesterday, I just took it out and continued to drink. I guess I don't worry since sooner or later something is gonna kill me, probably not going to be in my cup.

  17. Bug poop. *shudder* I don't typically place a saucer over my drink, but I might have to. Then again, I have two young children. I fear I've encountered far worse than bug poop in the past few years.

  18. Life is full of little "irregularities," as we all know. Or "misadventures," if you prefer that word. If they don't kill you, something else will. Life is pretty simple that way.

    May you soon be rid of bugs, and their poop!

    BTW, thanks for visiting me.

    Blessings and Bear hugs, debi!

    1. Thanks for stopping here, too. I appreciate it. :-)

  19. Hello Debi,

    Hope you are doing well. I discovered your lovely blog last year via AtoZ Challenge. So, when I got an opportunity to nominate someone for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, you were in my thoughts. This leaves me to wonder if you will accept my nomination ! In case you are thinking what is it, you can find out more about my nomination here:

    Shweta @deaf mamma (Twitter)
    Bangalore, India

    1. Thanks so much, Shweta. I'll check it out in the next day or two.

  20. I read several years ago in Popular Science that with all our modern sanitary ways, we're not getting enough dirt in our diet. Which doesn't develop our immune system as well. Think of dust as your immune system building buddies. And if that doesn't work, vacuum the heck out of them!

    1. Hee! Thanks for pointing out the bright side to me.
