
Thursday, April 4, 2024

D — DARK PLACES written by Gillian Flynn, reviewed by Amanda Ruzsa, Blood of My Pen, freelance copy editor

 Published by Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House

I loved this book. I was really struck by the main character, one of those people you love and feel for, and yet despise at the same time. It takes a talented writer to pull that off. There were times that this character sickened me, and yet the writing was so exceptional that I just kept right on reading. Partly because there’s always that need-to-know element in writing, and Flynn is a master at creating that.

The main character’s entire family, with the exception of her and one brother, was murdered. Did he do it? Could’ve been a cousin. Or maybe it wasn’t a relative. Or, maybe it was her, the main character, who likes money but doesn’t really like working. You’ll have to read the novel to find out.

DARK PLACES sits high on the scale of great characterization. How Flynn gets you to really distrust and have no respect for someone, and yet still care about the character is
amazing. Usually when a character shows lowly morals and ethics, it’s easy to not like him or her. But when you read this book, you’ll like every single character, even if it’s only liking to hate him or her.

The descriptions are strong, and the dialogue is so real that you’ll forget you’re reading characters, as if you had a recorder and had sat close by these people as they spoke. They breathe like real people, talk like real people and, most of all, they feel like real people. Hopefully, they’re not chilling in my neck of the woods.

Enjoy the read! Amanda Ruzsa, Blood of My Pen


  1. Thanks for this excellent review, Debi. And good for you for taking part in the A-Z. Have fun:)

    1. I'm enjoying it so far. I know towards the end it gets exhausting, but doesn't every good thing? :-) Thanks for stopping by. It's good to hear from you.

  2. This sounds like a mystery thriller to keep me up at night! I'd read it in a second.

    1. That's the kind I love too, mystery thrillers. My husband always slabs because I lock the doors before I sat down to read, and then I made sure I am in a well-lit room for more than just the sake of my eyes. :-)
      But I'm sort of a Heinz 57 when it comes to what books I love. Almost anything except extreme horror-- the scary kind of vampires or werewolves, devil-worshiping crap and books like the exorcist, and erotica. But I can read about a terrible serial killer. I guess because when it's a human monster I feel like we stand a better chance of winning. :-) Take that away and I'll have nightmares for way too long.

  3. I haven't read anything by Gillian Flynn. For some reason I tend to shy away from "blockbuster" authors - maybe I'm afraid that they won't live up to the hype.

    1. I always will try to read the books first. Of course, when I do, then the movies usually disappoint me. Very few times has it worked the other way. I can't even picture the characterization in a movie, even with really good actors and actresses, coming close to how real this book feels. I did not read the C book --Call of the Wyl--that Amanda reviewed, but I did read this one for D, and I really loved it even though there were parts that turned my stomach at the thought.

  4. I've never read gillian flynn but i'll start with this book as soon as i am able. Idea-ist@GetLostInLit

    1. I'm absolutely positive that you are going to enjoy it.

  5. You're right, it takes great talent to pull off making an unlikeable character sympathetic in any way.

    1. Yep. I'm sure the greats have a few accumulated tricks for it, but I have found any yet. (Sigh) :-)

    2. I also want to say, it's very nice hearing from you again. :-)

  6. Takes talent to write like that. Interesting choice.

    Ronel visiting for D: My Languishing TBR: D

  7. Great to see a Gillian Flynn review, Deb. This one is high on my tbr list. Some of the best characterizations I have read are by GF.

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